Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Went Wrong: The Unpredictable

Nobody could have predicted the following problems:

  • The Mets abominable performance in the clutch: Let me start by saying that I do not put much stock in the idea that certain players are inherently good or bad in "clutch" situations. This, mostly imagined, personality trait. Performance in big spots, both individual and organization-wide, can fluctuate wildly from year to year. I'll conservatively guesstimate that such variations are 75 percent luck. That said, the Mets were remarkly unlucky in important situations this season.
  • The main piece in Minaya's horrendous Millidge trade, Ryan Church started the season brilliantly, making his acquisition looking slightly less ill-advised. Then a couple of concussions turned him into New York's most high profile mush head since Wayne Chrebet. He missed much of the season and never returned to his April form, when he did play.

Some time tomorrow, I will address the bullpen.

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